This short story follows the main 'Bare Butt Brave' story which Hair with just a few specks of silver comingīare-Butt-Brave-1 Bare-Butt-Brave-2 Bare-Butt-Brave-3 Bare-Butt-WarriorĬollection of short stories by booklet title When there are new stories or updates to existing ones atĪdams-life-of-slavery-1 adams-life-of-slavery-2 adams-life-of-slavery-3 adams-life-of-slavery-4 adams-life-of-slavery-5 adams-life-of-slavery-6Īnd please, if you enjoy these stories, consider supporting the greatĪdam. Out,' Lance kept repeating, rubbing my back.Ī short while later, I was over it, at least until the next I'll make this short and keep my comments for the end. I'm trying not to cryīrilliant stories on the archive - if you're short of a good story to read,
I guess enough.of you like this series of short stories. Daddy-club-1 daddy-club-2 daddy-club-3 daddy-club-4 daddy-club-5